built for speed

I got a dvd out the library on how to dance the samba, waltz and cha-cha.  I procrastinated on even looking at it, some part of me was so sure I wouldn’t be able to do it.

I have such a fear of trying to learn anything new, and such ingrained memories of angry, mocking, impatient, critical teachers.  But my current truth is that it’s not hard for me to learn any more.  It isn’t.  And I can walk away from critical people

The dvd is very simply done – it’s very dated, too! but they make the steps easy to follow.  By the end of an hour, I had the basic cha-cha and the waltz.  It was a lot of fun.

I really need to be able to dance well.  For the pleasure I’m sure it’s going to bring me.  It’s time to move through my fear of new things, it’s really keeping me trapped in my history.

I guess I am moving through.  Slowly.

I’m sick of slowly.  I’m built for speed, not for slow.

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